technology. Entrepreneurial and sustainable actions are of great importance to us: this is why we use around 84% of our net assets for loans, such as for the construction of apartments suitable for the elderly and families, energy-efficient real estate, outpatient and inpatient health facilities, and for construction projects in schools and day-care centres in Germany. With client relationships built on a foundation of sustainability, DKB is a market leader in many of these sectors, and has been for some years. Since the financing of a first wind turbine in 1996, numerous renewable energy projects in the wind, solar and water sectors have been realised with DKB as a banking partner.
Show Notes
This is the 26th of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.
Our guest tonight is Maxim Grouchevoi, DKB AG, who showed us how they use Confluence as a frontend for Jira and gave took us on a deep dive into the possibilities that the ConfiForms plugin offers to use Confluence as a frontend for Jira and much, much more.
Sorry for the bad audio, we had some technical issues.
Intro: Why Confluence as a Frontend for Jira?
Facts about DKB: 19:21
Demo ConfiForms starts: 24:47
Q&A starts at: 50:20
Useful Links
Seibert Media: Linchpin: https://linchpin-intranet.de/
Vertuna LLC Wiki (Developer of ConfiForms): https://wiki.vertuna.com/
ConfiForms on Marketplace: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1211860/confiforms-data-forms-workflows?hosting=cloud&tab=overview
The Jira Guy: Jira Sucks, but it does not have to; August 19th, 2020: https://thejiraguy.com/2020/08/19/jira-sucks-but-it-doesnt-have-to/
You can continue the discussion here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Berlin-Brandenburg/RSVP-Maxim-Grouchevoi-DKB-Using-Confluence-as-a-Frontend-for/gpm-p/1477534
All the details for this talk here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AgBqYw
Next week, we will have a panel discussion about how large enterprise do and should handle the freedom to choose the right tool for the job. Join us and Christian Reichert, CEO resolution; Hubert Kut, Atlassian Solutions Architect, eBay and Peter Van de Voorde, Global Director of Developer Community Programs at MongoDB.
All the details here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQCtWg
RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/ACBEBB/events/272693221/
Don’t forget our virtual breakfast October 29th! Bring your topics and we are always looking for speakers.
This time we will also introduce our plans for 2021!
All the more reason to RSVP here https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/ACBEBB/events/273476747/
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