2021-04-05 Joerg Mueller-Kindt, Inselleben.Berlin; Square peg in a round hole? Miro-Atlassian integration

2021-04-05 Joerg Mueller-Kindt, Inselleben.Berlin; Square peg in a round hole? Miro-Atlassian integration

This is the 51st of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.


Bevy: https://ace.atlassian.com/e/m8sttp/

Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/ACBEBB/events/277213222/


Presenter: Joerg Mueller-Kindt, Inselleben.Berlin

Joerg is the co-lead of the Atlassian Community Berlin/Brandenburg. He has about 25 years (and counting) experience in the telecommunications and media industry. Witth his new company Inselleben.Berlin he helps clients to manage change in a rapidly changing world,  focussing on telecommunications and media and everything "smart" they enable.

Joerg is devoted to life-long learning and he is a book and gadget (super) freak. Proudest achievement while finding a way around the virus: Becoming a Kanban Coaching professional (KCP). 

While he is still working on a website for Inselleben.Berlin you can find him on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/insellebenberlin/ 

Square peg in a round hole? Miro-Atlassian integration

Collaborative Modelling on a whiteboard with methods like EventStorming, User Story Mapping, Example Mapping, various canvases, etc. is a powerful tool for visually discovering requirements and their dependencies and to design systems in software projects (and beyond).

The simple tools of pen and paper with their great variability allow for more engaged discussions between diverse stakeholders on a level playing field and in a basically non-technical format.

In a time when a virus is blocking access to real boards and sticky notes, Miro (https://miro.com) is an exciting virtual whiteboarding alternative for distributed teams. For most people who are excited about Miro, Atlassian (especially Jira)  is a bit of an antipattern, so the question is: Do these two actually fit together? 

In this demo Joerg Mueller-Kindt, Inselleben.Berlin, will try to

  • discuss drawbacks and advantages of collaborative modelling on virtual whiteboards,

  • show how Miro and Atlassian can be integrated and

  • demo a few use cases for this integration

to answer the question why you should try to force a square peg into a round hole. 

About Inselleben.Berlin GmbH

Inselleben.Berlin GmbH helps its clients to manage change in a rapidly changing world. Our focus is on telecommunications and media and anything “smart” that they enable. Like everybody, we are trying to find our way around the virus and are defining ourselves as we move along. 


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