2021-04-26 Cécile Sablayrolles, Elements; Teodora Vasileva, Botron: Migrate Jira app configurations without data loss: the Configuration Manager and Elements Connect use case

2021-04-26 Cécile Sablayrolles, Elements; Teodora Vasileva, Botron: Migrate Jira app configurations without data loss: the Configuration Manager and Elements Connect use case

This is the 54th of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.

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Cécile Sablayrolles

Teodora Vasileva

Cécile Sablayrolles

Teodora Vasileva



Marketing adept and Tech-savvy, Cécile is particularly passionate about the benefits of software to make business life easier. As Channel Marketing Manager for Elements, French Atlassian Gold Top vendor, she uses her dual skills in tech & marketing to help teams work better with Atlassian tools, Jira and Confluence.


Fan de herramientas de productividad y planificación, Cécile se enfoca en promover y desarrollar el ecosistema Atlassian, usando Jira, Confluence y varias aplicaciones cotidianamente en su trabajo.

Channel Marketing Manager para Elements, un Atlassian 'Gold Top vendor' francés, Cécile pone su doble competencia en ingeniería informática y marketing al servicio de los equipos para apoyarlos a optimizar su uso de las herramientas Jira y Confluence.

Teodora is marketing manager at Botron, with responsibility for company events, brand management and design. She finds passion in creating visuals and thrives on challenges, particularly those that need more creativity. Since joining Botron, the Atlassian Ecosystem became inseparable part of her work.

Migrate Jira app configurations without data loss: the Configuration Manager and Elements Connect use case

Working with Jira instances usually means also having complex configurations with several addons to match up to your users needs. The Jira platform’s extension model has lead to the development of hundreds of apps that uplift Jira’s experience in many ways.

Often these apps store configuration and data and when it’s time to move your entire configuration from one Jira instance to another, you want it done all at once and with 0 data loss.

In this presentation, we’ll see how it can be done easily, with the example of the app Elements Connect for Jira, a highly-used addon for populating Jira custom fields with external data, and Configuration Manager for Jira.



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