2019-08-01: 5th Event: BBQ

2019-08-01: 5th Event: BBQ

That is the planned date for the even, pending feedback from Mrs. Hoffmann (Hubert Kut sent an e-mail). August 1st is the last Thursday of the School Summer holidays in Berlin.

The Fifth Event - Summer, BBQ, Socialising

Short description:

The time has come for our yearly "Fifth" event for Berlin-Brandenburg Atlassian community. No program, no presentations, just conversation with food and drinks. Meet people who will be at the Atlassian Open in Vienna and discuss with us our plans for the rest of the year. Hope to see you soon!


We are back! The time has come for our yearly "Fifth" event for Berlin-Brandenburg Atlassian community. No program, no presentations, just conversation with food and drinks. Meet people who will be at the Atlassian Open in Vienna and discuss with us our plans for the rest of the year. 
As the Atlassian Open is  just around the corner (9-10 September) this is a good chance to meet fellow attendees ahead of the event. 

We also want to present and discuss our plans for the rest of the year. Not to worry, no Powerpoint, we will be there in person to talk to and with.

Event will take place in BerlinBioTechPark:

The berlinbiotechpark is located in the north-west of Berlin, surrounded by canals, parks, the famous Charlottenburg Palace and the Berlin Lakeland on the Havel. Here you work in the countryside and still enjoy all the advantages of a city center location.

RSVP! Manage your RSVP! If you cannot attend, please unsubscribe.

Best Regards

Hubert Kut

Event details:

  • the exact place can be found in the appendix
  • maximum number of person is 70
  • start is from 17.00 clock
  • late 22.00
  • the cost is 14,00 € per person (net)
  • arrival and departure 25,00 € (net)

Map of event: