2019-05-21: Atlassian Team Tour Event, Enterprise Edition, "The Future of IT".

Info: https://atlassian.swoogo.com/teamtour19/berlin

Location: Cafe Moskau https://www.cafemoskau.com/

On Site

Hubert Kut

Huiyi Lin

Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed)



  • Hubert Kut had a contact with Sven Peters (k15t). They want to come to Berlin with ALM for a roadshow. Possible topic for September event at 4Flow /wiki/spaces/AB/pages/1004208129
  • Hubert Kut had a contact with the new Lead for the AUG in Hamburg https://aug.atlassian.com/hamburg/
  • Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed) Contact with Atlassian University (still waiting for e-mail with contact information), possible remote presentation about certification paths as the basis for a discussion about the value of certifications in general and Atlassian certifications in particular?
  • Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed) Contact with Marcel Draheim (Signavio), Room for November confirmed (s. /wiki/spaces/AB/pages/1004142597), possible topics: Experiences with changes in Atlassian platform 9 months after release of Jira 8 (possible remote participation of Peter Van de Voorde or sb. from Atlassian Team, "Toolchain" event (giving Signavio and opportunity to present their toolchain for product development)
  • Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed), Huiyi Lin Contac with Spartez, want to present, (Agile Methods and Estimation, their plugins), question is, if there are not too many and bigger "Agile" events in Berlin to make this a topic for the Atlassian User Group?
  • Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed) Contact with Verwaltungsakademie Berlin (still waiting for e-mail with contact information): https://www.berlin.de/vak/ Interested in Accessibility (German: Barrierefreiheit) and Atlassian. There is a law in Germany (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BGG, https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bgg/index.html) which in §12 forces federal information systems to be accessible e.g for the (color) blind etc. That is not for the private sector, but guidelines for the internet exist. (WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/, which are - for example - mandatory for public sites in the European Union (s. Wikipedia Article https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Content_Accessibility_Guidelines) Long story short: VAK Berlin is in the process of setting up a Competence Center for Accessibility (and want to use Confluence as a Knowledgebase). That is an interesting topic, which impacts them directly (she did some research about plugins), but may also be of interest for other public sector (strong in Berlin) institutions and public facing installations of Jira Service Desk for example. Never thought about that and not sure, if it is even possible with Atlassian.
  • All: Atlassian Brunch - Idea that came up in a discussion between Hubert Kut and AUG HH. Idea with Huiyi Lin: Conference Room at WeWork. Basic format: informal, no presentations, just some breakfast rolls, coffee and juice and an opportuntiy for the community to meet before heading off to work. Also: Atlassian Lunch (same but with Pizza at noon), Atlassian Dinner (still Pizza, add beer). Follow up at fifth event (2019-08-01: 5th Event: BBQ), prepare some posters with topics and ideas, have a vote with participants.