2020-08-17 Philipp Staat, Avilox: Digital Teams: How To Hack Remote Work (with Atlassian Tools)

This is the 20th of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.


RSVP: https://ace.atlassian.com/e/mzfgr4/

Video: https://youtu.be/510gMRu_oM0



Presenter: Philipp Staat

I facilitate and consult on human-centered (digital) organizational transformations. With enabling focus on what really matters, I achieve fast progress towards stakeholder value. My experiences both on the business side and on the IT side enable me to build bridges between departments and conflicting interests.

Digital Teams: How To Hack Remote Work (with Atlassian Tools)

The COVID-19-pandemic brought remote collaboration to almost every knowledge worker in the world and many say it has come to stay. But what are the benefits of remote work beyond physical contact reduction, what are the challenges of it and how can these challenges be addressed? We are looking forward to discussing these questions with you in this session. 

We will kick off the session with a short presentation on benefits of remote work, challenges and ways to address these challenges. The presentation will include data from the German research project “Digitale Teams”: https://www.digitale-teams.de/

 Afterwards, we would like to discuss in an interactive session, how we all address these challenges with and without Atlassian solutions.

 About Avilox

This session is brought to you by AviloX: https://avilox.de/

AviloX assists organizations ranging from medium-sized companies to enterprises in designing a modern professional workplace, with expertise in organizational development, cultural development, change management and personnel development for modern management and connected collaboration. 

Show Notes

This is the 20th of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.

Our guest tonight was Philipp Staat from Avilox who joins us from to share the results of the “Digitale eTeams” project and how to Hack Remote Work (with Atlassian Products). We had a lively and interesting discussion about remote work, working from home and the future of the office and its significance for enterprises in general.

Discussion Starts at: 00:31:22

We decided that we wanted to repeat this in a more interactive format – with a Mural Board – on November 16th to gather more impressions and experiences about the future of work.

Avilox Website: https://avilox.de/

Digitale eTeams Project: https://www.digitale-teams.de/

And a there is a seven part series from Harvard Business Review about “The New Reality of WFH” https://hbr.org/cover-story/2020/07/do-we-really-need-the-office

You can continue the discussion here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Berlin-Brandenburg/RSVP-Philipp-Staat-AviloX-Digital-Teams-How-To-Hack-Remote-Work/gpm-p/1424426

All the details and slides from this talk here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQB6WQ

Next week Florian Schink from Communardo will discuss with us how to connect Microsoft 365 and Atlassian for an integrated digital workplace. Details about this event here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQAUW

RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/ACBEBB/events/272628684/

Don’t forget our virtual breakfast next week! Bring your topics and we are always looking for speakers. RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/ACBEBB/events/272247407/  
