2020-03-26 Virtual Breakfast

BYOBT - Bring Your Own Breakfast Table

RSVP here: https://ace.atlassian.com/e/mmaftz/

Zoom Webinar registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4vob2rstQJSvO5h-45SU2Q

Our first virtual event.

Like in the planned face-2-face event we want to discuss the question from Caterina Trainito and Matthias Sohn they posted in our community group here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Berlin-Brandenburg/Topic-for-2nd-Atlassian-Community-Breakfast/gpm-p/1298121

Video and Shownotes

Video: https://youtu.be/LuhQgvk2R-w

Welcome to the recording of our first Virtual Breakfast and our first virtual event ever. Apologies for any technical issues with the video (like: not recording the introduction…).

Thanks to the participants for the lively discussion.

We started with a discussion about the question Caterina Trainito and Matthias Sohn from Meelogic posted in our Community Group regarding the automation of configuration management from staging to production.  (s. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Berlin-Brandenburg/Topic-for-2nd-Atlassian-Community-Breakfast/gpm-p/1298121 )

We discussed the following tools:

Daniel Meisen (kreuzwerker) and Christian Koch (scandio) introduced their initiative to have daily lightning talks online to fight cabin-fever. (00:33:53 in the video)

You will find the schedule and all the information here:


Christian Koch gave a short demo of  HideElements for Confluence by Lively Apps ( https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1211757/hideelements-for-confluence ) as an example for such a lightning talk (00:36:25 in the video)

Hope to see you around for our other virtual events.

Don’t forget  Atlassian’s Remote Summit April 1st – 3rd (schedule: https://atlassian.swoogo.com/summit20_live_stream/schedule )



