How can you participate in Leaving Serverland?

How can you participate in Leaving Serverland?

We want to make this event as inclusive as possible for as many people in the Atlassian ecosystem as possible, not only for Berliners and Brandenburgers.

So you do not have to join either of our groups on Bevy or Meetup to be part of this, in fact, it is essential that you set up your account in Hopin as soon as possible so that people can connect with you and it is a prerequisite for active participation.

For an overview over Hopins features, they have compiled a number of videos here: https://hopin.to/learn

So let’s go into a bit more detail, how you can participate and how we handle configuration.


This is - of course - the most important role. Organizing something does not make a lot of sense, if nobody wants to see it.

But in contrast to Zoom, Hopin allows for direct one-to-one networking via audio- and video-meetings between attendees.

Hopin requires an upper and lower limit to be set for these meetings (in seconds) and our current thinking is, that 15 Minutes (900 seconds) is enough time for smalltalk outsides of sessions. There are no limits to the number of meetings

Beyond the video tutorials mentioned above, here are some articles in the Hopin Knowledgebase.


Currently we are planning for an hour of networking before the main event starts and one after the keynote.

Active Participation


Hopin allows for setting up a virtual booth. So if you are an app-vendor/Atlassian partner and want to share more info about your approach to leaving serverland, or if you want to showcase your user group (ACE), you can have a booth.

These come in different sizes and we reserve the “large” format for our local sponsors, but everything else is cool with us and free of charge, if you send us the material in the right format.

We will also feature you with a logo on the starting page (but again: The biggest logos reserverd for our local partners).

Checkout Hopins “Vendor Guide” to see what a booth can contain: https://support.hopin.to/en/articles/3574463-vendor-instructions

How does this work?

If you are interested, contact @Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed) and we will open a Dropbox Share, where you can submit your material as outlined in the “Vendor Guide” mentioned above and set up your booth.

If you want to, we can add a vendor-specific session during our networking hours, so that you can have AMA-type of meetings in our event.

Important: Register as a participant on https://hopin.to/events/leaving-serverland

Without that we cannot associate you with e.g. moderated session for your booth.


Currently we plan two moderated sessions.

  1. Technology issues

  2. Licensing issues

Both in English, moderated by two of our partner experts.

Sessions allow for 9 panelists and up to 500 attendees who can use a parallel chat. That allows for a “fishbowl” type of format, where people jump on and off the panel, ask their question and/or make their point and then leave again, with a core panel that stays around.

These are two hours in our program, between three and five PM.

This is our current plan, everything else depends on the number of attendees and on demand. It does not make sense to set up 10 sessions for 20 participants, but beyond that, everything is as possible to make as many voices heard as possible.

  • Sessions in different languages

  • More specific topics

  • or an ACE meeting after our keynote

Everything is possible, but again: depending on demand.

More information in Hopins Knowledge base: https://support.hopin.to/en/articles/3804080-5-sessions-tutorial

How does this work?

Currently we have two moderated sessions, as mentioned before. If you are interested to speak on one of our panes, register on https://hopin.to/events/leaving-serverland and you can either contact our moderators directly during the event or contact @Joerg Mueller-Kindt (Unlicensed) and we will inform them.


We want to have a lot of discussions, so we have 3-4 speaker slots as a warm up for our keynote by Elisabeth Howden, but the virtual stage is - of course - available all afternoon.

Again, depending on demand and number of attendees, but there is always YouTube afterwards

Using Hopin as a speaker: https://support.hopin.to/en/collections/2208884-using-hopin-as-a-speaker

A word about recording and data protection

Hopin is not a European company. Need I say more?

There are two types of account information.

You need your basic Hopin account. That is yours, like if you register in Twitter or whereever. Only you can delete that.

We get detailed statistics and attendee lists and everything from the event. Our pledge:

We will not use these and will delete all information about the event after it is over and we used anonymized reports for our after-action analysis. So neither we - nor our partners - will use these for marketing purposes. If you want to follow our events etc. join us on Bevy or Meetup, follow us on Twitter etc. You are very welcome.

If you want to keep in touch with other attendees or somebody on the expo, you have to actively share your contact info. We will not do it for you.

Audio and Video will be recorded, as are chat transcripts. (Not your one-to-one meetings). We want to produce a documentation of this discussion.

To all our speakers: We will publish your speech/presentation via YouTube and would like to have a copy of your presentations as a PDF for our archives.

Session recordings: We want to produce a “best of” reel and delete the rest. Before we publish this edit, we will ask you invdidually for permission (or cut you out again).

If you are sure that you do not want to appear in this documentation, add an “DNR” (do not record) to your description in the profile and we will not use them.

Same goes for the chat transcripts. Any open questions and some comments we would like to preserve, but anonymized and delete the originals.

That’s it. Hope you hop in. (So many puns in this one )


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