Daniel Meisen, CEO kreuzwerker: Let me be your Cloud Pilot: Navigate the Atlassian Cloud and GDPR Compliance

Daniel Meisen, CEO kreuzwerker: Let me be your Cloud Pilot: Navigate the Atlassian Cloud and GDPR Compliance

Speaker: Daniel Meisen, CEO kreuzwerker

Daniel Meisen is shareholder and co-CEO of kreuzwerker. He is an Atlassian Expert by Heart. Daniel has been working with Atlassian Tools for more than 15 years and is currently responsible for Atlassian Managed Hosting and Managed Services at kreuzwerker.

Slides and Videos

Video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/P1Z2bV3R0N4


Our second presentation is by Daniel Meisen, our Cloud Pilot that securely guides us into a safe harbor (pun intended). An information packed presentation about Atlassian’s cloud options and regulatory issues, especially GDPR. Way to many links to resources to include here, so we have a copy of his slides in our archive.

Slides and images here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/l/c/v2vzXaH1

Please fill out Atlassian’s survey: https://forms.gle/yWmJvPm7iuY1oXot5


Kreuzwerker Website: https://kreuzwerker.de/

Atlassian Trust Center: https://www.atlassian.com/trust

Atlassian Cloud Migrations Program: https://www.atlassian.com/migration/cloud

Kreuzwerker #MondayNightSpecial in our channel: https://youtu.be/XkHBv5PUmSg



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