2021-10-11 New Date! Jennifer Velázquez; Jexo: How to Plan Social Media Strategies in Jira

This is the 61st of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.


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Meetup: Jennifer Velázquez, Jexo: How to Plan Social Media Strategies in Jira | Meetup

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Previous events with Jexo:

Talking about Social Media Strategy: Biro has a regular show about the Atlassian ecosystem on Linkedin. follow him there: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sir-biro/

Presenter: Jennifer Velázquez

Jenn has been involved in media buying, copywriting, advertising for over 5 years now. 

Currently at Jexo as their Head of Digital Marketing with her primary focus on social media marketing and conversion rate optimization through paid ads. 

How to Plan Social Media Strategies in Jira

Jira is great for developers, but what about creative teams needing to track social media efforts?

 Creative teams are an important part of a companies growth. And yet, they’re often overlooked in project management solutions. 

That’s why we built Jira Swanly plug-in: an app where developers, managers and creatives can manage their work in Jira Cloud.

It suits every workflow, through roadmaps and reports. 

 Jenn, Digital Marketing Lead at Jexo will talk about how to track social media efforts and how to get the most out of your social media strategy and tactics.

She will share tips and tricks that she’s learned over at Jexo on how you can make the most out of Jira as part of your Marketing Team Planning sessions.

Social Media has changed its algorithm many times in recent years, making it more challenging than ever before for businesses to reach their target audience,

These talks will also cover strategies for getting around these challenges so that you can continue using Social media successfully as part of your business’s overall digital marketing plan. 

About Jexo

Jexo Website: https://jexo.io/

Jexo on Atlassian Marketplace: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/vendors/1215681/jexo
